Photo location

We use an algorithm to ensure photos appear in an appropriate place in the video and cannot manually change this. This algorithm is built to balance between the most accurate data and a fun final video.  

Take into consideration:

  • Photos taken close to each other will be bundled together. In the early versions of Relive, videos were showing pictures exactly where they were taken. This was resulting in a very annoying outcome, with the video stopping every 2-3 seconds or even less. This is why we moved to this solution, in a way to keep it flowing and maintaining a decent length.
  • Consider the different timezones. All devices you use have the be in the same timezone. If a timezone of one of your devices differs from another the photos will be placed in other places. You have to count with the time zone of your GPS device, at the time of tracking. 

  • Photos and videos that you download, or edit, could appear in another location because the timestamp of the photos and/or videos has changed.

The good news is that you can change the location of a Moment (including its photos and/or videos).